SEL or Character Development is required by law in Texas. In other words, social emotional learning or character education is required by state law to be integrated into a district’s curriculum.
This statute declares that every K-12 school district in Texas must provide an enrichment curriculum within a required curriculum that includes skills to help manage emotions, establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and responsible decision-making.
Source: Texas Statutes
This statute declares that a school district may provide a Character Education program that must promote positive character traits, such as:
It must also use integrated teaching strategies and be age appropriate.
To develop this Character Education program, a school district must consult with a committee selected by the district. This committee must consist of parents of district students, educators, and other members of the community.
Source: Texas Statutes
This statute declares that each school district and open-enrollment charter school may create and implement a behavior program that provides a disciplinary alternative for students in any grade below 3rd grade. The program must, among other things,
Source: Texas Statutes
Multi-tiered Positive Behavior Supports is encouraged by laws in Texas. In other words, the implementation of school-wide positive behavioral supports or tiered frameworks in Texas school districts is encouraged, but not required.
This statute declares that each school district shall have a district improvement plan that is developed, evaluated, and revised annually by the superintendent with the assistance of the district-level committee and must be in accordance with district policy. This plan should aim to guide district and campus staff in the improvement of student performance for all student groups in order to reach state standards. Its provisions must include strategies to improve student performance, which in turn should include positive behavior interventions and support (PBIS), such as interventions and support that integrate best practices on trauma-informed care.
Source: The Education Code of Texas
School climate surveys are a non-codified policy in Texas. In other words, school climate surveys are not addressed in state statutes, but are addressed in non-codified policy.
This non-codified policy addresses the administration of school climate surveys.
Source: The Texas Education Agency
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Please note that all information was correct at the time of publishing, and although we keep this information updated to the best of our abilities and knowledge, we cannot guarantee that everything on this page is accurate at the time of reading. For more up-to-date information, please contact your state’s Department of Education or visit