What are the laws about Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?

The laws and regulations surrounding social emotional learning, sometimes called SEL or social and emotional learning, differ from state to state. In some parts of the country, SEL in schools and/or Character Education is required by law, whereas in others it is not addressed at all. There are not only differences in the laws surrounding SEL education, but also the terminology. In some states, Character Education is taught in place of SEL. SEL testing is also required in certain states. SEL MTSS (multi-tiered systems of support) is similar in that it is either required, encouraged, non-codified, or not addressed in different US states.

What are the laws about school climate surveys?

Just like with social emotional learning (SEL) and multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS), laws and regulations about school climate surveys differ from state to state. The laws around the use of a school climate survey tool also vary, with some states setting certain standards and criteria and others not. School climate surveys also measure school culture, because school culture and climate often go hand-in-hand.







New Mexico


North Carolina


South Carolina




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Please note that all information was correct at the time of publishing, and although we keep this information updated to the best of our abilities and knowledge, we cannot guarantee that everything on this page is accurate at the time of reading. For more up-to-date information, please contact your state’s Department of Education or visit statepolicies.nasbe.org.